Effetto Macerata. Dinamiche intermediali e agenda delle Politiche 2018 tra social e legacy media

Ho pubblicato, con Stefano Nobile e Rossella Rega, Effetto Macerata. Dinamiche intermediali e agenda delle Politiche 2018 tra social e legacy media nella rivista “Problemi dell’Informazione”, ISSN 0390-5195, 1 (2020), pp. 87-114. L’articolo riassume alcuni risultati della ricerca sull’aggressione omicida di Luca Traini nel febbraio del 2018 e già anticipati nell’intervento al convegno dell’Associazione italiana di Comunicazione politica “Temi e leader oltre le ideologie”.

Abstract in inglese

This study focuses on ‘Macerata’ news-story (a series of events triggered by the shooting of immigrants), which took place a few weeks before the Italian General election, and disrupted and influenced the public agenda. The article examines the agenda building and framing processes, and their connection with the different actors of the public sphere through a cross-media perspective. Outcomes show how these processes are the result of the competition/cooperation dynamics between traditional and social media. Furthermore, in conjunction with electoral campaign or media events capable of catalyzing public attention (i.e. Macerata), the convergence between the agendas becomes remarkably evident.


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